Marble Rocks, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh India
Marble Rocks JABALPUR Attractions, Sightseeing, Tourist places, Places to See Madhya Pradesh Heart of India India
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Adventure, Weekend Getaways, Waterfalls Place in Jabalpur
Submit By: Dheeraj
Distance: Jabalpur 21 KM
Just 21 km west of Jabalpur, is a small village called Bhedaghat. The village is world famous for splendid Marble Rocks on the banks of Narmada River. Covered with dark volcanic seams of green and black, they tower to almost 100 ft above the soft flowing Narmada on either side. They are fabulous to look at during the daytime when sun sparkles on the pure white surfaces of these rocks. During the night as well, they give you a mesmerizing view under the moonlit skies. The Marble Rocks have been considered as one of the thousand places that you should see before you die. The best way to enjoy the sheer charm of these rocks is by taking a boat ride in Narmada.
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