Mudiya Math, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh India
Mudiya Math JABALPUR Attractions, Sightseeing, Tourist places, Places to See Madhya Pradesh Heart of India India
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Pilgrimage Place in Jabalpur
Submit By: Dheeraj
Gopalpur village in the Narmada coast Mudihya monastery known as the Monastery / Buddhist temple appears. Gopalpur area, some Buddhist statues were also the queen Durgawati is preserved in the Archaeological Museum. It appears that this area will be sanctuaries to Buddhist monks. The monastery was built to be worshiped. There is no statue in the temple. Purwabhimuki the monastery / temple is built of stone. Approximately 13-14 feet of the temple after the quarter has resulted in an oval dome. The architecture appears during the 13 th -14 th century AD.
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