Mala Devi Temple, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh India
Mala Devi Temple JABALPUR Attractions, Sightseeing, Tourist places, Places to See Madhya Pradesh Heart of India India
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Pilgrimage Place in Jabalpur
Submit By: Dheeraj
In front of the temple is a descriptive board that claims This is a Jain Temple, a richly carved magnificent edifice comprising an entrance porch, a hall and a sanctum which is partly rock-cut and is surrounded by an ambula¬tory and crowned by a lofty shikara. It is assignable to about the 9th century AD. That is the official opinion and to the left, in the hall, there is a Jaina starue about 2.5 to 3.5 metres tall. But, in the sanctum, there is a statue which could be that of a Jaina Trithankar because of the groin-covering position of the hands.
Mala Devi temple precariously perched on top of a cliff of a sandstone ridge in the quaint little town of Gyaraspur situated at a distance of 35 km from Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh dates back to 9th-10th century A.D. This Pratihara period temple literally grows out of the hill. The temple which is partly rock-cut and partly structural is one of its kind. Like most of the northern or Indo Aryan style temples the main shrine consists of an entrance porch, a hall and sanctum surrounded by a pradakshinapatha. The sanctum or garbh griha is crowned with a sikhara. Though at present there are Jain images in the shrine a figure of a goddess on the outer doorframe and other decorative sculptures indicates that the temple was dedicated to Adinath.
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