Silver Cascade Falls, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu India
Silver Cascade Falls KODAIKANAL Attractions, Sightseeing, Tourist places, Places to See Tamil Nadu India
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Waterfalls Place in Kodaikanal
Submit By: Ravi
Silver Cascade, 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) from Kodaikanal at a wide bend in the long and winding Laws Ghat Road, at altitude 1,800 metres (5,900 ft), is a 55-metre (180 ft) waterfall formed from the outflow of Kodaikanal Lake. The water quality is reportedly poor and not good enough for bathing. This impressive waterfall is a popular stop for first-time visitors. There are a few souvenir and fruit vendors and many monkeys here. There is also a smaller but more serene waterfall below the bridge which crosses the stream here.